22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. – Ephesians 4:22-24
This is another scripture focused on renewing of your mind. It is re-minding you that you are created in the image and likeness of God. Let’s look at it more deeply.
Put Away Your Former Self
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires.”
When this Ephesians scripture is studied it is very reminiscent of “be in the world but not of the world”. The former way that we have been taught to live was based on survival which primed us with animalistic like characteristics. To kill or be killed. In addition to this former way of living, we’ve also been taught to mostly pursue things for superficial reasons, i.e., money, fame, attention, power.
Now add the fact that we were conditioned to believe that the best way to be successful was to go to college and land a “good” job. Then there’s the whole getting yourself in major debt to keep up with the Joneses. This is typically done by buying the latest and most expensive cars, houses, clothing, tech gadgets and any other material item to show that you are “successful”.
This is also why it states to not live as the gentiles do. The origin of the world Gentiles does not mean Jewish but people of a nation. And most people of this nation is materially focused. So, when you no longer live as a gentile being physically or materially focused, you then have the capacity to tap into a greater power and not be governed by this world.
The people in position of controlling the world told us how we should live, and we obeyed. But as you can see, this is why human consciousness is struggling right now. Anxiety and depression are at an all-time high because we keep trying to fit ourselves in a mold that is no longer natural for us.
Deceitful Desires
These are the deceitful desires that this part of the scripture speaks of. The word deceit means “the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid”. Before you continue reading, just marinate on that for a second.
The deceitful desires that humans have been in seek of throughout the years is what is keeping us out of touch with our divine nature. We are not animals and we do not need to act as such to live a fulfilled and joyous life.
The material things listed above are the deceitful desires because we typically place our value and worth in physical items. If we can achieve these desires we feel valuable, worthy and successful. But without them we feel like a failure and worthless. By placing our attention and focus solely on these things we lose sight of our True Self.
So, this Ephesians scripture is telling you to take off your old self. This pertains to that lower level of consciousness that has been deceived to pursue certain goals for superficial reasons. You can also perceive it as the old self which has been lied to, which holds limiting beliefs, and whom sees itself as just a mere human. When in fact, we should see ourselves as a divine, co-creative being.
New Mind New Attitude
“To be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
Once you come into the awareness that you’ve been deceived and lied to, it is time to shift your mindset.
“Your mind isn’t just in your head, it’s in your body as well. Your mind is consciousness and all things are held within your consciousness, that includes your thoughts, memories, feelings, imagination and inner dialogue. And it is from the Mind of Consciousness that all things are birthed.”
-Kadara O.
I speak more about this in this blog post. Your mind is not synonymous with your brain. It is not just about what you are thinking. It is about everything that you hold in your consciousness as stated above.
You have to create a new mindset, new perceptions, new feelings, and new beliefs that are more aligned with your divine nature. The current memories you have of your past must be transformed and viewed in a way that empowers you and not victimize you.
I can speak from experience and tell you that this is not an overnight process. It takes true will power and surrendering to a Higher Power to let go of your old mindset and embrace a new one. Especially when damn near everyone around you is still operating under the old primitive mindset. People will start to look at you sideways when you begin to operate in your true God nature. And good Lord don’t let them hear you call yourself a god or goddess!
Created in God’s Image
But this is what this half of the Ephesians scripture is referencing. “Put on the new self-created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” It is quite literally telling you who you truly are. You were created to be like God! This means you are an abundance of creative energy. You have more power over your life than you’ve been led to believe.
Please note I do not classify myself as a Christian. However, I know that the bible has many jewels, wisdom and knowledge within it. It mostly began to serve me when I read it from a more esoteric view. And this Ephesians scripture is very powerful when understood properly.
I am a studier of The Creator through all vessels of truth. And because of this I have been able to learn and connect with the very essence of the energy that many people call God. You can connect with and study the true attributes of The Creator through any vessel you choose as It reveals Itself through all things. Seek and ye shall find.
In order to begin the process of stepping into your new self, you first must have a thorough understanding of the nature of God. Don’t rely on a definition of what someone else or even a book has told you.
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