This book is all about understanding one of your most highly intelligent systems: Your Mind, and learning how to consciously use it to create a more fulfilling life. Within this book you will gain understanding of your conscious and subconscious mind, the role your beliefs and emotions play in creating your reality, and various strategies on how to consciously reprogram your mind and take back the power you unconsciously gave away.

At some point in our lives we start to question ourselves, our decisions and the quality of our life. We innately begin to feel that something is “off” and begin to desire much more for our self. The whole ” I was born this way and this is just how I am” doesn’t fully sit well with us anymore as we can see that it’s holding us back from living our best life and becoming the highest version of our self in this lifetime. If you feel as though you don’t quite fit in with the majority of the world and it’s views and no longer to succumb to “this is just how life is” than you may be ready to step into the realm of conscious creation.

I know that time is valuable, which is why I only focused on giving you the meat and potatoes. This is a simple and quick read yet packed with wisdom and jewels that will not only change your outlook on life but transform you internally forever. A true beginner’s guide.

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The Upgrade your life! Personal Transformation Challenge is one of the simplest yet highly effective personal transformation challenges. It teaches you how to become your own inner engineer. Being your own inner engineer allows you to rewire your thoughts and emotions so that they are aligned with your ideal lifestyle. And in order to be aligned with your ideal lifestyle you have to become the person that has that lifestyle. That’s what this course is all about!

The focus of this challenge is to assist you in creating a new self-image by releasing your past, shifting your mindset, creating a clear vision of your future, and consciously creating a new reality for yourself. In order to upgrade your life you must first upgrade your ‘self’.

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