Three ways failure can serve towards your success

We all fail at some point. No one should allow the fear of failure to stop them from pursuing their goals. Often, we allow the thought of failure alone to stop us in our tracks before we even begin. Many times, we only hear people success stories without knowing all the disadvantages and defeats they were meant with along the way.

It’s as the church folk would say “You see my glory, but you don’t know my story.” We only assume that some people were never meant with failure because we only see their wins. But if you talk with any successful person, they will have stories of how they failed, their ideas didn’t go as planned, and they were meant with plenty of rejection. It’s all a part of the process.

Failure isn’t discussed as much as success because it isn’t as glamorous. But it needs to be because it can actually encourage people to not give up so quickly. It’s also ok to start over if need be. Things fail and it’s nothing wrong with that. Failure is a part of life. Period. Challenges are an aspect of life. Obstacles come and go. There is no getting around it. However, you can get through it.

Also, perspective is everything. Words are important because they shape our perspective. So, instead of calling it failure call it a learning curve because that’s really what it is.

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The Law of Polarity

If you have not studied up on the Law of Polarity, I suggest you do so. This is one of the Universal Laws. In short, the Law of Polarity states that everything has its opposite. For instance, hot and cold, male and female, up and down. And for the sake of this article, failure and success.

Courtesy of Learning Lounge

Remember learning this number line back in grade school? This is an accurate representation of the Law of Polarity. It contains negative numbers on one end and positive numbers on the opposite end, yet they are all on the same line. And there you are, the origin; starting at ground zero. This shows us that negative and positive can exist simultaneously together. We have the ability to move ourselves as far up or down the scale as we choose. This also proves that one aspect cannot exist without the other. In order to experience one side of things, you’ll inevitably at some point experience its opposite as well.

When you become aware of this it releases the tension and fear surrounding failure. You realize that it’s just a dual part of your success and you can overcome it.

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Failure is an opportunity for growth

Our perception as humans can be way off sometimes. What we deem as failure could actually be a blessing in disguise. It could be rerouting you on a path much greater than you could have anticipated. Not only that, being met with adversity builds character. It also teaches you things you probably weren’t aware of that you needed to know. This information can be used to advance you further or help someone else.

For instance, a friend and I wrote a book about two years ago. During that process I learned a lot about researching literary agents, publishing companies, how to write query letters, etc. We still haven’t published that book yet, but I went on to write my own book and chose to self-publish it.

I answer a lot of questions on Quora and someone wanted to know how to start the publishing process. I was able to share all of the information I had acquired with them and be of assistance. I would not have been able to help that person had I not already went through the process and learned many things myself.

Not to mention that I’ve been on this blogging/entrepreneurial journey since 2014 and I’ve learned A LOT. I’ve stopped and started over countless times and am a wealth of information because of it. I have had people make certain comments because they do not understand my journey. That alone can deter someone from continuously pursuing their goals. But I am here to tell you that my failures have served me greatly. Not only has it allowed me to gain an abundance of wisdom, it has helped transform me as a person.

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Embrace failure as much as you embrace success

As I stated previously, there is no getting around it. Obstacles are a natural part of life. It is how you perceive and handle it that makes the world of difference. Learn how to fail forward. Use it as leverage to propel you further. Do not fear it. Do not be afraid to start over. Allow it to expand you in ways you never thought possible.

We get stuck and frustrated when we only focus on one end of the stick. Keep the Law of Polarity in mind, always. Everyone wants success without accepting its dual friend failure. They are yin and yang to one another. The moment you can accept these two as whole and embrace them; you may just move up the success ladder much quicker than if you continuously deny its counterpart.

I hear many people say that they want to be with someone who loves them “flaws and all.” You want someone to love all of you not just parts of you. Well, look at success and failure through those same lenses. Don’t just love one side of the process, love them as a whole together.

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