There are times when there is a valid reason for being fearful such as your life being in imminent danger. Fear is a natural response that springs up when our livelihoods are threatened. It is a survival instinct.
However, we often live in fear of the unknown. Nothing is truly wrong, but we let it hijack our minds over illusory things. This keeps the energy of fear present in our day-to-day lives which can disrupt our nervous system and keep us stuck in the same negative loop. We are not meant to live in fear, anxiety and worry on a daily basis.
So, below are four ways to overcome fear and feel more at ease.
1. Embrace the fear
What you resist persists. Acknowledge that it is there, don’t try to suppress it or act like it does not exist. Doing this creates a reverse effect and dissipates the fear. You face fear instead of turning away from it. You realize it’s just a feeling just like any other emotion and can be let go of instantaneously. The thing you are fearing hasn’t even happened, it only exists within you. Knowing this reminds you that you are the one in charge. If it only exists within you then you have the power to eliminate it from within. Notice that you are the one holding on to it, so you also have the power to say, “I am holding on to this fear therefore I have the power to let it go.”
2. Fear is just a part of your persona
The Bible states that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind. This tells us that the fear we feel was created by someone or something other than our Higher Self. Inevitably this means that it is an illusion. Being of a sound mind means that you are judging things by righteous judgment, you are standing firm in your ‘I Am,’ and you are clear headed; there is no room for fear when you are operating in this space.
Related article: Bible Scripture Decoded: Romans 12:2
3. Take action
Oh yes there’s so much power in taking action. Fear paralyzes you so it only makes sense that taking action towards what you are fearing would eradicate it. The good thing about it is it doesn’t have to be some big grand action. Something as small as doing a 5-minute workout to take away the fear that you’re unhealthy will make you feel better than just sitting back worrying about your health. The fact that you did something about the very thing you’re fearing will lift your Spirit and shift your mindset from fear to faith…or better yet knowing.
4. Remain present
Typically when we are fearful, we are projecting something from our past or conjuring up a new image and projecting that into a future event. Either way, we are not present in the now moment. Take a moment to take some deep breaths and remember that all your power is right here and now. This is the only moment that exists. Reflect and realize that everything is energy. The fear you are experiencing is energy, just as love, excitement, joy, peace, and doubt are energies. You have the option right now to choose what energy you want to experience. Everything you feel, think and do right now is all that matters…and I do mean that literally. The reason many people will say my worst fears have come upon me is because they fed the fear. Don’t let this be you. Choose ye this day which God (energy, reality) you will serve.
Excellent tips. Taking action is always my favorite. Doing something, anything, feels better than fearing or worrying about something.
Yes, exactly! and thank you!
Very useful post thank you! Fear can take over so many areas of our lives as it’s a natural reaction and it’s not always a bad thing either… so it’s great to have some tools to be able to manage our fears.
Absolutely! Fear only becomes a problem when it cripples us.
Wow! It’s such an impressive post.
Thank you!
taking action, not freezing, yet remaining present is a true art, thank you for this uplifting article!
Thank you!