Let me ask you a question, what would happen if you kept trying to drive your car in a forward motion while continuously looking in your rear-view mirror? My guess is you would ultimately end up crashing. Well Life actually works the same way. It is always moving in a forward motion. It is our job to stay present to keep up with Life. We have to leave the past in the past and stop trying to bring yesterday into today even if today looks like yesterday. I’ll explain more of what I mean by this.
Our past serves a small purpose in the here and now and what we deem as the future. We are able to go into our mental rolodex to share certain stories and experiences with others when needed. But let’s keep it real majority of people live in the past on a daily basis. We are always talking about what happened to us yesterday, a month ago or five years ago. Even if we’re not speaking it out loud to other people, we’re damn sure constantly rehearsing it in our own mind. And if you want to get really real many people wake up already expecting that their “tomorrow” will look like “yesterday”.
Judge not by appearances
The good book says “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement”. In order to righteously judge or respond to any given situation it would require you to be fully present, alert and in the moment. This means that you would need your awareness solely focused on this moment and not the past. God is always in the now moment and in order for you to know how to accurately assess a situation you must be in tune with your Inner Source, which is always in the present moment. The Creator is never focused on the past, It is always focused on what is happening right now.
So when I say we have to stop bringing yesterday into today even if they appear the same, I am stating that we need to heighten our awareness and respond to the day based on the information that our Inner Source is providing us in that moment, not from an automatic conditioned response from the past. Because what you continue to get out of life is a reflection of the energy you put into it. And if the energy you are putting into it is the same energy from yesterday, a month ago or 5 years ago you can bet your life won’t change much and will continue to look like your “yesterdays or yester-years”.
The Universe is not predictable
What the Universe told you to do yesterday in a given situation may not be what It tells you to today even if the same situation shows up again, but the only way to know this is to be fully present and in tune with your Inner Source. This is imperative for your personal life and Life as a whole because Life is all about expansion and evolution. The Creator wants to move forward, and it wants the same for you. However, it stifles our evolution process when The Creator is telling us to do one thing and we keep responding based on outdated programmed or conditioned responses.
Something else to think about…
Here is another perspective to look at. Something I’ve personally experienced myself and I know of many others who have whereas you’re working at a job and you love it but then it goes under new management, or for whatever reason the business model or process begins to change, seemingly for the worst. The first thing most people do is start complaining and making statements such as “Why can’t we do it how we use to do it.”
This is a prime example of Life attempting to move forward. This also reflects how we’re in a new day or paradigm at our job but we’re bringing the past of how we use to do things into the present moment. Also, it is giving an opportunity to put “Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgement” into practice. You would need to tune in to truly hear the wisdom in that moment so you can respond accordingly.
Maybe the Universe is showing you that its ready for you to move on to something new. Maybe it no longer wants you in that job. What if this seemingly “bad turn of events” is an opportunity for you to share your big idea that you’ve been holding in because you were too timid to tell your employer about it, and because you’ve now gotten the courage to speak up it ultimately leads to a better business model for your company and that promotion you’ve always wanted.
The same applies to all areas of life whether it’s relationships, finances, friendships, or parenting. I honestly believe if more people could become aware of this, they would be able to capture more golden opportunities and see their lives flourish in ways beyond their wildest imagination.
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