Did you know that something that happened just a second ago is considered the past? And anything associated with your past is only a memory. What greater gift have we’ve been given by The Creator than to quite literally change ourselves, change our thoughts, change our emotions, and shift our energy moment by moment. Once we can understand the effects that our memory has on our reality – past, present and future, we can better mold our lives.
The thing that keeps us bound to the past is our memory. When you understand how energy works in creating our reality, you realize the importance of what a memory serves and how to keep it in its proper place.
Think about it this way. Once a moment is over, the existence of it only exists and lives in our mind. We rummage the memory over and over in our mind which than causes us to feel the same way we felt when it happened. Because you now have the thought, feeling and experience it becomes a hard-core belief for you. This in turn becomes a part of your story that you repeatedly tell yourself and others. Next thing you know, this same experience continues to show up in your life in a variety of ways through different people – same situations just with different faces.
How does this happen you ask?
Again, it all points back to understanding and knowing that we are energetic beings and our thoughts and feelings in a very real way has a major influence on what we dominantly experience in our lives. We’ve been trained to only focus on our physical actions and not give much attention to what’s truly going on inside of us. Which explains why we try so hard to change our outer circumstances with very little successful results.
How to break free
One of the biggest ways to break free of being internally and externally chained to your past due to your memories is to be fully aware of the connection that your memories have in your past, present and future realities. Let’s dive into more detail of how this actually works.
Here’s how your memories are interconnected in your past, present and future.
Your past
Your past is where your memory is initially created. When we experience a circumstance in our lives, especially those of high significance that caused us to feel an elevated emotion be it good or bad, the memory of that experience is stored within us. And no sooner as the experience itself is over, it becomes a memory but not only in our minds but in our body as well. We can cognitively conjure the memory in our mind, and we can remember how we felt at that time as well i.e., the feeling of that experience is stored in our body. This explains how we are able to feel the same feeling in our body no sooner as we think about it in our mind. The thought and feeling of the memory are what keeps it alive in our consciousness.
Your Present
This is where all the magic is happening. Depending on where you are in your journey, you may have heard many spiritual teachers talk about being in the NOW. Eckert Tolle has a whole book about harnessing The Power of Now. The present, or now, moment is where creation is always taking place. As I stated, once a situation is over it only exists as a memory in your consciousness. Majority of people are consistently re-living those memories in the present moment. They’re constantly thinking about what happened in the past, even if the past was just five minutes ago. They’re continuously feeling the same feelings of that memory, which most likely means they’re telling the same stories of their past to friends, family, new lovers, and even strangers. All of this is happening in the present moment. So, in essence, although linearly time has passed, conscious wise you’ve actually just been creating and experiencing more of the same from your past. Which leads to…you guessed it, your future.
Your Future
Thanks to your memories that was created in a past moment and was carried and continuously rehashed in a present moment, they have set way for what your future may look like. When you repeatedly rehash your memories within yourself you are hardwiring it in your mind and body. You’ve pretty much hypnotized yourself to live in your past. As a result, there isn’t much room in your mind (consciousness) for a new thought, feeling or belief to come in for you to create something new in your life. Even if you try, you will get a kick back from your mind because it’s so conditioned to the past that it almost looks at your new belief as an “intruder”. Usually when this happens people give up on themselves because they are not aware of what’s truly going on. You can hardwire and condition yourself with new beliefs, thoughts and feeling but it will take time and work. Majority of us have been conditioned with certain beliefs and memories since childhood so it’s only expected that there will be some initial resistance when we attempt to rewire ourselves.
Here’s a disclaimer, I’m not saying that all of your memories should just magically go away because some of our memories are of amazing times in our lives while others are times where we learned major lessons. But what I am saying is your memories should serve the purpose of sharing information if and when need be; not to hold us hostage to a time that doesn’t exist anymore. Furthermore, not to hold our consciousness in bondage causing our growth to be stifled, inevitably blocking a rewarding future. How your memories effect your reality explains why many people can look up five years later and realize not much has changed about their life. It still looks and feels very reminiscent of the past. Before you know it, frustration and even depression may start to subdue you because you feel as though you’re not as far in life as you believe you should or want to be. Also, this is what can create the illusion of feeling stuck in life.
I’m also not saying it’s an easy pattern to break, but it’s not impossible either. Believe me I get it, I have to re-mind myself everyday not to give much energy to certain situations anymore because I know what will happen if I do; more of the same will keep showing up. I had and still am learning to be fully present in the now moment, and once a situation is over, to assess it, take whatever I can from it and let it go IMMEDIATELY. Time never stops, your consciousness is always creating and if the most dominant memories you have in your consciousness that you keep alive are failed relationships, financial struggles, irritation, dead-end jobs, etc, etc than you’ve got a pretty fine idea of what you’re future may look like.
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