When we first begin learning the beauty and power in deliberate co-creation, we come across so much information. There is a wealth of information online with an abundance of different tips and tricks to use to align yourself with the new reality you’re attempting to create.
With all of the information out there we can start to feel overwhelmed. We become unsure of what works and what doesn’t. Next thing you know we’ve spent a lot of money on all types of sages, oils, ritual, crystal and other inanimate objects that supposedly will assist us in our co-creation efforts to manifest a new reality.
Not realizing that all along, we already have the two most important faculties needed – our focus and our emotions.
I was glad to see that someone was wise enough to ask a very important question as it relates to co-creation. If you didn’t know I have a profile on Quora where I answer a wide range of questions daily, so if you follow me on there it’s basically like getting free coaching.
The Power of Focus and Emotions
Here’s a snippet of the question that was asked my response to it:

Short. Sweet. And to the point. Everything we decide to use outside of our own mind and emotions are just tools that can help amplify these natural faculties, but they’re not necessarily needed. This is why there are tons of successful people who have never picked up a crystal a day in their life. They’ve learned how to harness and use the energy and forces that was naturally given to us from birth.
Dependence on Crystals, sage and oils for co-creation
This isn’t to knock any of the aforementioned items. All things have its rightful place. Crystals, sage, and oils can definitely be beneficial for various reasons. I just want people to be informed so that they don’t become overly dependent on these things. There are people who have whole alters filled with these spiritual commodities and yet still struggle with maintaining a healthy mindset, directing their own emotions and consciously manifesting.
The struggle continues because they’re looking to these commodities alone to save them instead of mastering the art of mental and emotional alchemy. It is best practice to use these items when you feel a natural pull towards them and not because you’re expecting them to do the inner work for you.
The best path to co-creation and self-mastery is to place your attention and focus on how to operate your mind and emotions – to learn to use them on a conscious and deliberate level.
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