The True Culprit of Appearing “STUCK IN LIFE”
We are energetic beings and we’re always broadcasting an energetic signature via our thoughts and emotions. We feel emotions in our body because our bodies carry a magnetic charge and our feelings are what draw things to us. Our minds carry the electric charge and typically is what starts the feeling process in the body…I.e. you have a certain thought or see/hear something that you process and interpret in your mind which cause a reaction in your body, a sensation that we call feelings.
With that being said, majority of people walk around feeling frustrated, stressed, depressed, agitated and worrisome to name a few, therefore, that is the energy that is being broadcasted out into the Universe. And because they feel that way they’re also obviously thinking that way, which creates an automatic thinking/feeling loop within them and that is what creates the illusion of feeling stuck. However, the issue isn’t that you’re stuck in life but that you’re stuck in your own energy and it’s time for an upgrade.
Your Energetic Signature
Similarly, that’s also how your energetic signature is formed, meaning that is the dominant energy you broadcast out and that’s what also attracts back to you situations of like energy.
Therefore, since most people are unconscious of the creative process that our thoughts and emotions play in our lives they remain unaware that they are the ones creating or attracting most of the things that shows up in their lives which only perpetuates the same cycles and a victim mentality.
But that doesn’t have to be you anymore…..
So, here are 3 steps to hep you free yourself from your own energetic bondage
- Boost up your Self-Awareness
If you want to no longer feel stuck in life, it is a MUST that you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. If you follow me on social media (or read my blogs) you’ll hear me speak on Self-Awareness A LOT! – like a lot a lot…Because it is that damn important. You have to begin to literally check in with yourself all day every day and ask yourself:
“What am I thinking about?”
“How am I feeling?”
Next, You’ll also need to become aware of how you react to common situations in your life. You may come to find that you’re quite predictable which can not be working in your favor. Thinking, feeling and reacting the same way day in and day out leaves little to no room for growth and of course keeps you stuck in the same cycles. As I always say Awareness is key.
- Become a Master Self-Reflector
At the end of your day you should be setting aside some time to reflect on yourself. This actually helps to increase your Self-Awareness as well. Self-Reflecting is a powerful tool to free you from being stuck in life because it provides the opportunity to see yourself objectively. You kind of step outside of yourself so to speak and just review yourself. During this time, you also want to ask yourself questions such as:
1. How could I have handled that situation better?
2. What did I find myself thinking about most of the day?
3. Where was my attention for majority of my day?
4. If I could do anything different tomorrow what would it be?
5. Why did I let that trigger me so much?
6. Why do I feel so bad/fearful/agitated when that happens?
And of course, because you’ve been boosting up your Self-Awareness, you take that Awareness with you into the next day to re-write your day and have it look and feel differently than your yesterday…hopefully. I’m not saying this will be easy, honestly speaking it’s actually quite challenging, at least in the beginning. I promise it does get better with practice though.
Also, as you can see all of these questions are pertaining to you. They are not geared towards trying to change anything outside of your ‘self”. This is always where your focus should be.
- Use Affirmations
I’m sure most of you have heard the word “affirmations” being thrown around very loosely in the spiritual community. But here’s why they are critical to your growth. As you may know, or not know, the word affirm means to state something as a fact. And to be honest we’re doing it all day, just on an unconscious level.
For instance, if you say: “I always get stuck in traffic.” That’s what you are affirming in that moment thus you find yourself in those type of situations quite often. So, if you’re affirming things into the Universe all day anyway, why not learn to do it consciously? Well now you can.
Once you have used your superpowers of Self-Awareness and Self-Reflecting and have identified some of your blind spots, you can now create some affirmations that is aligned with the change you wish to see within yourself first, because ya know, the whole as within so without thing.
So, be sure that your affirmations include statements that causes inner . If done right, the things in your outer world will begin to change as you change. And here’s another little secret, when you create your affirmations you want them to invoke a feeling within you. You don’t want to create a statement that has no emotion behind it. Those type of affirmations don’t work.
In Closing…
I hope that this article has shed more light on the illusion of why you feel stuck in life and I know that with continuous practice of these steps, you’ll begin to feel freer and lighter and see that you’ve always had more creative control over your life than you once thought.
If you have any additional tips, be sure to comment them below. And if you’re interested in receiving some assistance along your journey, be sure to check out my coaching packages.