Self-Realization is the key to life. It is honestly the best gift you can give yourself. Personally, I believe it is the basis to having an enjoyable life. The reason why many people are not genuinely happy, and are suffering is because they don’t know who they are on a core level. Or as I like to say more precisely, what they are.
Even though you may hear many people say: “I know who I am!”, they’re usually only referring to their physical identity. The person that has been molded and shaped by society and their family.
That’s only a small portion of who you are. And because most people are unaware of this, they cling to their identity leaving little to no space for personal growth and advancement.
But once a person can gain focus and learn what they truly are, they realize that who they are is entirely subjective. Your personality is not definite. The word personality has the word ‘persona’ in it which is a role or character being played by someone.
So, until someone self-realizes, they journey along through life playing a role that was pre-set for them mostly by other people. They are spiritually asleep and living in an illusion.
Below, I will briefly discuss the main three levels of Self-Realization that majority of the world falls under. After reading, you can discover which level best represents you. Depending on what level you are in, I pray that this article enlightens you to advance forward in life.
As you read, you may feel jolts of inspiration or a feeling of conviction. This is your spirit speaking to you informing you that you just became awakened to some truths about yourself that you may not have known. Take heed to those feelings as they are prompting you to look deeper within yourself.
Self-Realization Level I: The Complainers
At this level people are aware that they dislike almost everything about their life. They are unfulfilled and it shows. They have no problem talking about all of their troubles. Not only that, they’ll fuss about other people lives too! It doesn’t matter if it’s a personal issue, something they’re observing of someone else or a worldly problem, they’ll almost always have something bad to say about it.
It’s usually hard for them to see the good things that are taking place in their life. Therefore, they don’t show much gratitude for anything. If they do it’s very brief and they’re right back to the comfort of complaining about the next thing.
Their natural energetic frequency at the time is that of dissatisfaction so that’s all they can see. These are the people that you feel inclined to ignore their phone calls because you already know they just want to fuss and complain.
Although they are very aware that not much in their life is fulfilling, they do nothing to change it. These are the people that will remain at a job for 15 years and complain about it everyday. There’s not much accountability at this level and most fault is placed on other people, places and things.
However, there are some people who awaken from this level of awareness and advance to the next level of self-realization.
Related article: Three Ways to Use Accountability to Change Your Life
Level II: The External Doers
This is definitely a step-up from the previous level. Just as with the complainers, people at this level are also aware that they are dissatisfied with their current reality. But unlike the complainers, they actually take action to change it.
People at this stage are more aware that they have some sense of control over their life. These are the action takers. The only problem within this phase is that they are highly externally focused.
This tends to backfire because although they have no problem changing their external circumstances, they still ultimately find themselves in the same situations. As the saying goes “different places and faces but the same results.”
At this level, many people also become drained because they’re always chasing something outside of themselves. No matter how many jobs and relationship changes they go through, they can’t seem to figure out why nothing truly changes.
While this can become stressful, this is a great place to be in because it leads to introspection. It’s a stepping-stone to dig deeper into yourself and life and ask more clarifying questions.
By asking such questions it takes you on an exciting journey to discover who you truly are and leads you to the next phase of realization.
Related article: Self-Destruction: The Goldmine to Self-Improvement
Level III: The Inward Seekers
This is when things become exciting. Once a person has advanced through the past two stages, they begin the path of true self-realization. This means becoming more aware of what the ‘Self’ actually is and how it inevitably effects your life. There are many layers to self-realization at this level.
One may begin to study deeply on how the mind works. They may also study things such as emotions, energy and Universal Laws. They become more inward focused.
By studying such subjects, they start to realize that they actually attract many of their life circumstances by their energetic frequency. Meaning, their dominant thoughts, beliefs and feelings. They also become aware that true change starts within. That the basis of creation is held within the energy that projects from them.
Related articles: Feeling Stuck in Life? Here’s the Real Culprit and 3 Ways to Break Free
Bible Scripture Decoded: Romans 12:2
This puts a stop to being externally focused because you realize that that is just a quick fix, temporary satisfaction. If you don’t take the time to go within your ‘self’ first and make the necessary changes to your mindset, you know that the external change will be much of the same as your current situation.
This isn’t to say that you’ll never have to take physical action. Of course, you will. But once you reach this level taking action becomes more intuitive instead of impulsive. By being more aware and in tune with your True Self, when you do take physical action it will still lead to a more favorable outcome.
This is your true power. It is always within. Once you learn this you notice how things align more easily in your life and you really don’t have to chase anything. Rather everything comes to you pretty effortlessly.
Previously published by Kadara Oshun at An Idea (An Ingenious Piece)
I completely agree that self realization is critical to move forward in life.
I definitely come under the second level and if I could progress to the next one, it will be awesome.
thanks for sharing this wonderful post.
Thank you for your honest response! The fact that you are aware of which level you’re at and open to the possibility of moving forward, I’m sure you’ll continue to grow and evolve in your journey of self-realization 😊.