7 Powerful Bible Scriptures to Grow your Confidence in Knowledge of Self

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Below I will be sharing some of my favorite scriptures. These are very empowering and assists in re-minding you of how powerful you are and where your power resides. Along with the scripture I will be giving a quick esoteric decoding of each text. This decoding will uncover its true meaning. It will direct you back to your Self as that is where all creation begins. From within.

Whenever you are feeling down or powerless refer to these scriptures for a quick reminder of your infinite nature.

Get ready to have your mind expanded and see your Self and your world in a whole new light.

“All things are possible to those who believe.”

This scripture is pretty self-explanatory, but I want to emphasize the word “ALL”. Usually when we hear this scripture we equate it to all good things. But it doesn’t state that. It states “All things” which entails all things good, bad, ugly, indifferent and so on.

This is important to know because if you truly believe that things won’t get better for you (although you really want them to) they won’t; because of what you truly believe. Check in with yourself to see what your true beliefs are because ALL things are possible to those who believe. If you believe it whole heartedly so shall it be for you.

Go in your closet and pray to your father who is in secret, and your father who is in secret will reward you publicly.

This is one of my top scriptures. There’s a more in-depth post on this scripture here. This isn’t speaking of a literal closet. It is referring to your mind. Your mind is secrecy because only you truly know what goes on in there. Besides God of course, which is why it also states your father who is in secret. Your father in secret is your subconscious mind or the Eternal unseen mind that is always watching all things.

Being rewarded publicly is the physical manifestation of what is going on in your mind. This is super important because again it emphasizes the power of your mind. It is the cause of your physical circumstances. What is going on inside of you via your thoughts, feelings, and imagination will find a way to manifest itself. This is ultimately what prayer really is. So be careful what you’re really praying for.

Related article: Bible Scripture Decoded: Matthew 6:5-8

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.

Where is the Kingdom of God? You guessed it! Within you. There’s a reason we’re able to conjure up anything in our minds. We can literally create a scenario in our imagination, using the power of our minds and actually feel an emotion or sensation from the scenario even if it’s completely false! If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is. That is a superpower that most people sleep on heavily. That is how you create from the Kingdom of God within you.

That is how ‘all the things’ are added unto you. And what are the things? The manifestations of your Kingdom. To first seek the Kingdom of God means to go within yourself and create your ideal outcome using the aforementioned abilities above. Most people apply this backwards, they seek the things first and then want to thank God for it. Not realizing they will only continue to be met with the creations within their own mind. That’s the Law.

And God said I shall create man in my own image and likeness.

We are created in God’s image and likeness, which means we are a reflection of God. A replica. To be a reflection or replica of God means we have Its same qualities. We are creative infinite beings. We are rulers over our reality.

Therefore, our (personal and collective) reality is created in our own image and likeness. This means whatever we create in our world is a direct reflection of us. Again, both personally and collectively.

Understanding this will lead to deep introspection of what you are imagining, feeling and believing predominantly.

The righteous choose their friends carefully.

At first glance this is seen as literally choosing the people we hang around. But upon further review, you’ll come to know that the “friends” this verse is referring to are your thoughts. No matter how many people you have in your life, no one will be with you more than you are with your self. You are always taking you with you no matter where you go or what you’re doing.

And guess who’s always right with you as well? Your thoughts! As you come into higher awareness that your thoughts indeed have an effect on your life, you’ll see the beauty in this scripture. To be righteous means to live according to God’s Law. To know thy True Self. You are aware that you are the one creating your reality.

So, to know this means you would choose your thoughts carefully. Those who are unaware do not choose their ‘friends’ carefully. They allow any thought to enter their mind and let it run ramped. They think things in complete opposition to what they really desire. Those who are aware monitor their thoughts more carefully. They choose higher thoughts although their current reality is showing them something otherwise.

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Another simple yet powerful verse. ‘He’ that is in me can be seen as the God within you, your Inner Awareness, subconscious mind, etc. The ‘he’ that is in the world can be summed as any problems or challenges you may be facing.

A lovely reminder of your inner creative abilities. Your grand Awareness that can conjure up anything you could possibly need to overcome any challenge. Not only that, connecting with your Higher Self grants you knowledge and insight on how to handle a situation. It may be meant for you to do absolutely nothing and simply allow something to play out. But you won’t know that if you keep letting your Ego run the show which tries to control everything and can also lead to deep bouts of stress and depression.

Your “he’s” that are in the world have no power over you because you have the power within you to transcend above them.

Be still and know that I AM God

Being still not only refers to stilling your body, but more importantly stilling your mind. Let your mind be still, stop the racing thoughts. When you stop your thoughts, you enter a space of pure awareness. You’re not thinking, but you are still aware of your existence. You are aware of any sounds that you may be hearing and sensations in your body. It is best to close your eyes when doing this. This will block out any stimuli that may keep your thoughts running. It makes it easier to silence your mind.

Once you begin thinking again, you can sense that you are not your thoughts either. Your thoughts are being observed by that same Awareness. That pure awareness is your I AM. Your I AM simply is. It can be likened to a blank canvas. Whatever thought, belief, feeling or vision you attach to that Awareness you become. You have to make it a habit to ask your self: “What am I aware of being right now?”

Once you become aware of what you are being, you can change it if it’s not aligned with your ideal vision. This takes great belief and faith because again most of us allow our circumstances to dictate who we are instead of the other way around.

In essence, I AM reflects what you are aware of being. I AM ‘that’ I AM.

What are some of your favorite scriptures? Drop them in the comments below!


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