God Favors Us All | You are a Powerful Co-Creator

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

God does not favor any one person over another. You may hear a lot of people state that God favors certain people, or some people were born favored. But what they are unconsciously saying is:

“I lack control over my own frequency field to create more suitable conditions in my life.”

Or “God does not love me the same as He loves other people.”

Can you see how this thinking alone blocks us from our true Divinity and experiences greatness in our lives?

It’s not our fault though, if you grew up Christian like me, then you’ve probably thought this way as well. Most religious people do. I’m here to dispel this false thinking and to reveal the Truth.

The Bible clearly states that God is no respecter of person.

Although the Bible uses the word ‘person’ and have other variations of this scripture, the metaphysical breakdown of ‘person’ is thought. Meaning, God is no respecter of thought. We have the ability to think, feel and imagine whatsoever we please. This is what creates an energy field around us that works like a magnet to attract experiences to us.

God is a God of free will and He gave us that free will to realize that we are gods.

“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”

If you’re a person who think God favors one over another than you need to check your beliefs and/or relationship with God. Favoritism is man-made. God loves us all the same and will bless us with the desires of our heart. However, it is imperative to understand who you are as a Divine Co-Creator with God. You play a major role in what you experience in Life.

We have the power to create on an individual and collective level and that’s why it’s crucial that once you realize you are a Creator to detach yourself from collective beliefs that don’t benefit you or the whole of humanity.

Knowledge alone doesn’t heal. Applying God’s Law heals and awakens you to the magic and miracles that you not only have access too, but that which you literally are.

Related Post: 7 Powerful Bible Scriptures to Grow your Confidence in Knowledge of Self

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Therefore, our reality is created in our own image and likeness. Which means whatever we create in our world is a reflection of us. Both personally and collectively.

And what I’ve realized is most people don’t want to do the work…the internal work, because they’re too attached to their ego. “This is who I am and how I view things” and it’s easier to blame the outside than it is to realize that you’re keeping things alive by constantly giving your energy to it. And I get it because most people don’t know that creation starts within. We’ve been taught to force, control, blame, and play victim against anything outside of ourselves. This is a false sense of power.

So, while we have the CHOICE to focus our light aka energy aka attention on the reality we desire, we tend to focus it solely on the reality that IS. But by focusing on what is, we just keep re-creating what already exist and block ourselves from what could be.

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