Life can get pretty hectic sometimes and cause us to feel overwhelmed. We feel as though Life is beating us up and giving us too much to handle at one time. Usually when we feel this way our first impression is to up and run away. Some people may use alcohol or drugs to cope or attempt to escape. Other’s may choose to just ignore what’s going on and let it continue to pile up until their life turns into complete chaos.
I ain’t gonna fake the funk. Having a good drink when we feel overwhelmed or stressed can be a quick remedy to relieve us; however, it shouldn’t be used for long term purposes. Once the alcohol wears off, we should be able to clarify our minds to find a proper solution.
What I’ve come to find is there is one subtle reason that causes us to feel overwhelmed – a decision or decisions that must be made that we’re avoiding.
We just sit back and let Life happen to us and forget that Life is always based on choices. We forget that making a certain decision can change everything for us. Continuously victimizing ourselves doesn’t have be our only option. Especially since we have the ability to choose. The choices we make can alter our paths significantly.
Once I had this epiphany it changed everything for me. I realized once again that I was indeed causing my own suffering and had no one else to blame but myself. It honestly is quite amazing that the more you study Life and yourself how everything always points back to you.
The Remedy
So, the best thing to do when feeling overwhelmed is to stop and ask yourself “What decision or choice am I not making in this moment that’s causing me to feel this way?” When you ask this question, the answer will appear. The answer may make you feel uncomfortable as you may realize that the decision you need to make may exclude certain people or push you out of your comfort zone.
This is a more effective and direct approach to handling your problems and lifting your burdens. But again, this is where free will comes in to play. You have the free will to make the choice that will free you from being overwhelmed or you can ignore said choice and remain in bondage. The choice is yours.
Another great thing about this is it re-minds you that you are ultimate co-creator in your life. It places the responsibility of your life back into your hands and out of the hands of others. It helps you to become more accountable and proactive about your life. It’s your life.
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