Welcome to the world of conscious co-creation! This is such a fun and interesting realm to dive into. But there is so much information out there by so many Law of Attraction teacher’s that it can become overwhelming. Which technique is the best? What will give me what I want the fastest? I know, I’ve been there. I don’t consider myself a Law of Attraction Teacher, however I have learned a thing or two along my journey. And I know from a beginner standpoint it is best to understand the core basics. So, this is why I’m sharing these simple manifesting tips for beginners.
There is one other thing I want to point out first. This is extremely important to understand and why so many people struggle with manifesting. It is the fact that they focus more on manifesting things. When in fact, the true purpose of it all is to change ‘you’ in the process. To allow yourself to become someone greater than you previously were.
You can’t desire more peace but continue to be someone who complains about everything. How about if you want a better career? But you keep beating the drum of you not being qualified, the market is oversaturated and have strong doubt you’ll ever advance to that level. That’s just now how the Law works. You don’t get what you want, you get who you are. Because who you are is the core energy you’re broadcasting, so naturally you’ll continue to experience things that closely match your energy. But more on that later.
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Three simple manifesting tips for beginners:
Manifesting tip 1 – Check your intentions
What you are desiring has to be a true heart felt desire. You must check your intention and it must be pure. Otherwise you’ll find yourself struggling a lot during the process. Granted we all struggle to a certain extent during the process. But from what I’ve seen, when your desires are pure you receive a lot more synchronicities, inspiration and ideas along the way. And the struggle doesn’t’ feel as struggly (yes I made that word up) because your perception of it may be geared towards seeing it as a learning curve; an opportunity to grow and expand.
You may also receive a bunch of half-ass superficial experiences if your intentions aren’t authentic. The Universe only responds to authentic vibrations. This manifesting tip is super important because it causes you to go within yourself and analyze why you really want something. If it’s not for authentic reasoning, the full manifestation of it will struggle to come.
And if it does come it may end up backfiring on you. Because it came from a superficial place. So you received superficial results. This is the Universe ways of revealing to you that your intentions were not pure. The basis of the Law of Attraction is always driving you to go within. Always remember that.
Manifesting tip 2 – Let go of your attachment to the “how”
Let go of your attachment to how things may manifest. We tend to create one way in our mind. However, the Universe is endless and boundless. Meaning, It can bring your desires to you in ways you couldn’t even imagine. The best practice for this manifesting tip is to tell yourself daily I’m open to my dreams being fulfilled the best way possible. This releases the tension of you feeling that it has to happen the exact way you envision in your mind. Trust me I know this from experience.
We are currently wired to feel the need to always take action and figure everything out. But if that’s the case what is the point of relying on the Universe to assist us in our efforts? This is why it’s a co-creative process. We have a part to do but we must also learn to surrender and allow the Universe to do Its part as well. The “how” is always up to the Universe. If there is an action or step you need to take, it will be revealed to you. It will feel like a burst of inspiration. You have to be okay with also doing nothing. As the Universe may call for you to do just that.
As contrary as it may sound doing nothing is actually doing something. You’re surrendering, allowing, resting and trusting that things are still in the works for you. Plus, the Universe can better do Its job when we take our hands off the wheel sometimes. This step tends to be the hardest when it comes to manifesting tips for beginners.
Manifesting tip 3 – Understand the difference between a wish and a desire
You have to understand the difference between a desire and a wish as it pertains to intentional manifesting. A desire is a strong feeling to want something. A wish is something you may want but have strong doubts against it.
So, what you think you’re desiring, you may only be wishing for. For example, if you want a loving partnership but you have a strong feeling that most men/women are trash, than THAT is what your desire really is. Because that is what you have a strong feeling about. Thus, you’ll continue to attract “trash” relationships. What you hold deeply in your heart is what will show up in your reality.
Mentally wanting to experience a loving partnership is just a wish because you have a strong opposing feeling against it. You want it but don’t really believe it’s possible. So, you can see how you actually work against yourself. Wishes rarely ever come true but strong desires always do.
So, check in with yourself. Truly dig deep. Ask yourself how do I really feel about this subject? What do I really believe? And therein lies your problem. That is what needs to be changed.
Understanding these core manifesting tips for beginners will assist you immensely. You can try all the tricks and techniques in the world but without this understanding you’ll find yourself going in circles. Trying a million and one techniques with minimal results. Then you’ll find yourself saying what most people say this Law of Attraction stuff doesn’t work. But it does. It’s just that most people go about it backwards. Which is trying to manifest things first, without changing their way of being.