Early on in my adult life, I always had an awareness of the importance of inner peace. It was something I knew I wanted to obtain for myself because I knew I did not have it. Well, at least not consistently. Maybe it’s because I’m an air sign so I usually just flow whichever way the wind blows, which can be a good thing but may also be detrimental if not watched carefully. And for me it became quite unhealthy as it pertained to my mental and physical state of being.
Whenever a situation would occur that would disturb my peace it would affect me deeply. It was hard for me to keep a stable thought. My mind would only be focused on that situation. It was constant chatter in my brain that I couldn’t turn off that would then affect me physically. I wouldn’t eat due to me not having an appetite. I didn’t want to go out or do anything which meant I couldn’t enjoy the present moment or have any type of fun.
The situation would have my whole undivided attention and it would take days, sometimes weeks to pull myself out of it. I was unable to remain grounded. I was a hot mess and I knew I didn’t want to continue like that. So, learning how to maintain and master my inner peace became one of my biggest goals.
I have always been a very proactive person when it comes to my goals. Once I decide upon something I go at it full throttle and accomplish whatever I set my mind to, so although this was an internal job I knew it would be no different. I wasn’t fully sure at the time all it would take to reach such inner peace, but I was up for the challenge. I knew that with all the tenacity I would put into obtaining my external goals, I could apply that same intensity to my internal ones. And the journey began.